100% natural, raw diet for dogs with Turkey as the #1 ingredient. This mix is a biologically appropriate, raw dog food mix. Made with 100% turkey meat & bone, turkey organ, turkey muscle & baked sweet potato. The right mix for a balanced raw diet for dogs. TURKEY is a great alternative to chicken. This raw dog food has no added growth hormones. With so many dogs experiencing issues or having reactions to chicken, turkey is a win with many dogs as it is highly digestible. Ideal for reducing inflammation, antioxidant-rich happy Gi tract health, allergy friendly, boost gut and microbiome, suitable for growing and active dogs, puppies, adults and seniors. Turkey is brilliant for growing puppies, whelping or pregnant, performance and working dogs due to the derived energy source of lean protein for body conditioning and weight management.
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Attribute | Turkey 5kg – Right Start, Turkey 500g – Right Start |
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