Our turkey necks are 100% Australian human-quality turkey meat & bone. They are healthy, safe & highly digestible nutritional bones for your canine's health. These meaty bones are suitable for medium to large dog supporting joint health, mobility, teeth & gums. They are a great alternative to chicken with no added growth hormones, no chemicals, preservative, additive and grain free. These necks are chewy & crunchy, acting as a natural aid in the removal of plaque and tartar build-up on teeth. With so many dogs experiencing issues or having reactions to chicken, turkey is a win with many dogs. Great choice for small, medium and large dogs 10kg plus. Can be cut up into smaller pieces if desired.
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Attribute | Regular, 5kg |
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Please Note: While it is very uncommon for issues to arise with our pet treats, we cannot guarantee they are entirely without risk. We advise supervising your dog while they enjoy our treats, and selecting products that align with their eating habits. For additional details, please consult our Terms and Conditions.
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