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Categories: SKU: canvitworm


Conventional chemical worming products can be very harsh on your dog or cat's liver, kidneys and intestinal tract. Our natural herbal intestinal worming tincture is based around traditional antiparasitic herbs and flower essences that effectively kill and expel intestinal parasites and their eggs as well as strengthen the digestive and immune systems.
We use a combination of traditional worming herbs including:
BLACK WALNUT HULLS – a very traditional antiparasitic herb most well-known for its ability to fight intestinal parasites. It is a well documented vermifuge that is effective at helping the body rid itself of parasites. As a laxative, it expels parasites as part of its cleansing of the body and the high tannin and juglone content is thought to oxygenate the blood and kill parasites. Black walnut is effective against pinworm, ringworm, tapeworm, and other intestinal parasites.
CLOVES – Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties are all part of the action of Cloves. Cloves do not kill the parasites, they contain a volatile oil called Eugenol which dissolves the hard casing around the parasite’s eggs. That, in turn, allows the Wormwood and Black Walnut to do their job and kill them all!
WORMWOOD – a part of the Artemisia family. Wormwood has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy for parasites and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. Wormwood contains sesquiterpene lactones, highly-effective chemical compounds believed to weaken parasite’s membranes and strips them of the ability to survive.
GARLIC – an anti-parasitic 'food' that can help deal with any type of intestinal worms. Raw garlic has sulphur-containing amino acids that are anti-parasitic in nature. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties in garlic help to kill microbes in the body.
ELECAMPANE – contains chemicals that can kill worms that infest the gut. Elecampane also contains chemicals that seem to reduce inflammation and thus, can be useful in soothing and healing the gut from parasitic disturbance.
Small dogs (5-10kg) 5-10 drops

Medium dogs (15-25kg)- 15-20 drops

Large dogs (30-50kg) 20 – 30 drops

Over 50kg- 30-40drops

We recommend giving this for 3 consecutive days per month (or every 3 months if preferred) around the time of the full moon to get the most benefit from this product. Drops can be added into any wet food, bone broth etc.
Why the full moon?? According to research, parasites are more active during a Full Moon and therefore easier to dislodge, providing a more effective treatment method.
Suitable for dogs and cats. Can be given from 10 WEEKS in puppies and kittens.
****Avoid in pregnant and lactating bitches.

NB any worming regime is supported by feeding your pet an organic RAW diet to reduce the potential for large populations of parasites.

DISCLAIMER- results may vary from dog to dog. Always seek veterinary advice if symptoms persist or before commencing any regime.


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Please Note: While it is very uncommon for issues to arise with our pet treats, we cannot guarantee they are entirely without risk. We advise supervising your dog while they enjoy our treats, and selecting products that align with their eating habits. For additional details, please consult our Terms and Conditions.

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