Did you know that the closest primal ancestor to the dog is the wolf?
Right now, you’re looking at your Poodle, Chihuahua, Daschund or Schnauzer thinking… “There is no wolf in you!”
Well it’s not all about looks on the outside. All of our dogs – big or small – have an “Inner Wolf“!
They have a short digestive tract and food reaches the stomach within minutes
- Their guts are designed to process raw meat, bones and offal
- They have strong jaws and canine teeth to allow them to eat meat and bone
Now… your little fluff ball is obviously not going to catch their food as wolves do in the wild, however they do rely on you to feed them a ‘Biologically Appropriate Diet‘!
A diet that your dogs body was designed to eat… raw meat, offal, bones, fruit and veg! JUST REAL FOOD!
NOT tin food NOT highly processed dry food filled with goodness knows what
Is it any wonder your dog isn’t interested in a processed, cooked diet filled with additives, preservatives and colours!?!
Do your dog & or cat a favour… pick that “little wolf” up some real food from Bundaberg’s favourite little shop all about dogs and cats, where food is medicine and notice a huge difference in their health and wellbeing!
If you are unsure of where to start to get your pet on track, we are here to answer your questions. Pop in and speak with one of our friendly team today!
Corner of Princess and Scotland St’s Bundaberg East
Open Tuesday to Saturday